
The Comforters



The Comforters is a group of object helping people release stress through tactile, olfactory, auditory stimulations. Daily activities and physical contact have been limited greatly by Covid-19. I started to realized the importance of sensation to our mental health. Scientist believe that giving more sensational stimulation to our body or holding object with special memory would help reduce stress and depression.

Material : maple wood, cork, brass, metal ball, silicon, plastic

Making Process: wood work, metal work, casting

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The Comforters 是一组通过通过触觉、听觉、嗅觉刺激,解压的桌上物件。在疫情高峰期间,一切日常活动和接触都被极大地限制。我开始深刻感受到身体感官对于我们心里健康的重要性。大量科学研究表明,基于身体更多感官刺激或是触摸容易激发记忆的物件能够大程度降低压力和抑郁情绪。



如油管视频无法观看,请移步这里 ☞ https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qp4y1h7GB

油管无法观看,请移步这里 ☞ https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qp4y1h7GB