Cooking and eating is a problem during hiking and other outdoor activities. Many hikers enjoy building up fire and eating warm food right off the fire when they are hiking, however in many situations, it is hard for them to bring their food with them while continue walking. People would either bring an extra lunch box and move the food from the pan to the box, or carry the pan and cover it with foil. In both situations, it is a wast of room and energy for the hikers.
Many people need to wake up early in the morning to prepare a lunch box for themselves to bring to school or work. Many of them do not have time to wash the pan, so that the pan are left in the sink for the whole day and become an issue.
This is a prototype of a 2 in 1 Pan/ Bento Box, which can be transformed from a cooking pan into a portable lunch box in one second, is design for people to save time, energy and space.
Some smaller scale wood works and studies over years.
Some smaller scale metal works and studies over years.